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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Call To Joy Matthew Kelly CD Only

Click here to Order CD

This was another disc that change my life.  I cannot begin to describe what a truly Dynamic Speaker Matthew Kelly is.   To be honest this disc was the beginning of attending Daily Mass.  This is not available for download but well worth the CD order.

Customer Comments

Awesome! I loved this talk and came away with a fresh inspiration to grow my faith and find joy. This is perfect for all ages. I passed it on to my teenage sons. Cindy - Houston TX
Incredible - this presentation is the best, most practical, straight forward guide to lead us into a deeper prayer life. It will change our lives! It has changed mine! Charlie - Cockeysville, MD
Matthew Kelly is an incredibly gifted young man, and his witness to the Catholic faith is a blessing to the Church. I recently attended one of his retreats and was inspired. I have never heard so many Confessions at a retreat. Monsignor Gilbert Rutz - Vicar General of the Diocese of Covington, KY

Matthew Kelly is one of the most sought-after speakers of our time. When he was a young man, a friend helped him to open his heart to God. Since that time, Matthew has helped millions around the world to embrace the Lord's call to live a deeper spiritual life. Listen as he shares both his remarkable personal story and his uniquely inspiring outlook on faith and the adventure of living the Christian life to the fullest.

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