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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Becoming The-Best-Version-of-Yourself Matthew Kelly

I know this is a CD order only option but it truly was worth the time and effort it took to receive this disc.  I cannot believe how easily Matthew Kelly describes such complex things in our lives.  The idea of explaining why we are here is to become the best version of ourselves is just plain Spirituality Genius.  I know this one one disc I will play again and again and plan on sharing with many to do the same.  It just seems like the more true something is the simpler it is to understand.  You might even want to order some extras of this one.

Click here to Order CD(s)

Customer Comments

OUTSTANDING!!! This timely presentation was filled with truth & presented in a way that was easy to identify with and understand. Anne - Youngstown, OH
I found this talk to be life-changing ... and I?m not easily impressed! Fundamental truths are conveyed in a clear, effective manner. Gary - Zuni, NM

Matthew Kelly possesses a powerful ability to combine the ageless tool of storytelling with a profound understanding of today's culture and the common yearnings of the human heart. He shows us how to see the challenges in our everyday lives in a new light. He will help elevate and energize you to pursue the highest values of the human spirit and become the best version of yourself.

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