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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Anger and Forgiveness Deacon Dr. Bob McDonald

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Deacon Bob did an amazing job with subject.  He described situations and tools to handle anger and how to forgive in ways I have never heard before.  This is one I will press play on probably once a month just to center myself and check myself. If you struggle with Anger or have a loved one that does then I know you will take away some great tools you can use. One quote is "The size of your Ego is the exact distance between you and God."

Customer Comments

This CD has changed my life! It has given me a clearer understanding of anger and how we can overcome it Dan - Oakdale, CA
Powerful wisdom for hearts in exile due to lack of forgiveness. A great spiritual prescription! Deb - Leawood, KS

 Catholic psychotherapist Deacon Dr. Bob McDonald provides a spiritual and psychological prescription for overcoming the sinful anger that poisons the mind of Christ within, causing alienation and division. His practical wisdom shows that only by learning how to forgive can we hope to promote healing and understanding in our relationships and enjoy the blessings of a forgiving heart.

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