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Friday, August 19, 2011

Battle for the Faith in Mexico. Viva Cristo Rey! Patrick Madrid

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This was gut wrenching listen to what happened in Mexico and what happened to so many Catholics in defense of our faith less than 100 years ago.  I learned things about Freemasonry and much much more about Church History.  It left me with more respect and Love for Mexico and more understanding of our Catholic roots.  Wow came into my mind many times during the talk.

In this vivid and eye-opening presentation, Patrick Madrid explores the history of the systematic persecution of the Catholic Chuch in Mexico in the 1920's. With a thorough review of the historical facts, he recounts how many thousands of Catholics, priests and laity alike, were willing to endure terrible sufferings and martyrdom for their fidelity and love for Christ and their Catholic Faith. This is an important talk for all Catholics to hear and consider.

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