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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Catechism of the Catholic Church: A Sure Guide Cardinal Arinze

For anyone that really has no clue or very little clue or wants a better understanding of what the Catechism is and how should we use it and where did it come from then this talk is for you.  Cardinal Arinze did a wonderful job of unpacking the subject and it gave me a real thirst to get much better acquainted with the CCC which I now know means Catechism of the Catholic Church.  I guess that is a "Duh" but not for me.  This accent is a little thick but still very easy to understand.  Also, the bonus preview talk from Scott Hahn about the Pope was awesome too.

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Francis Cardinal Arinze energetically draws from his experience to help us see the practical value of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) today, which was given as a guide to living our daily lives in accordance with Holy Scripture and the Sacred Traditions that have been passed down to the Church through the Apostles. The CCC is intended for use by all Christian faithful, and Pope John Paul II declared it to be "...a sure norm for teaching the faith"- Fidei Depositum.
Bonus Segment: Why Do We Have a Pope? by Dr. Scott Hahn.

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Called to be Saints Relevant Radio

This was a very nice collection of different radio interviews about some of our Saints.  One of the interviewees actually spent time with Mother Teresa.  One of the last interviews was about some of our Saints that are Incorruptible.  I seem to always forget we have over 300 Saints that were found this way.  This interview alone was worth the listen.  Then at the end there was a very nice talk and a very good reminder about "New Evangelization" that Pope John Paul II spoke internationally about.  Another great talk as well.

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       In this fascinating presentation, Relevant Radio® talk show hosts interview various experts about the lives of great saints and holy people of the Catholic Church. This presentation includes on-air discussions about St. Peregrine, Bl. Mother Teresa, St. Ignatius of Loyola, Pope John Paul II, St. Augustine and St. Monica, St. Peter and St. Paul, and also about the mystery of incorrupt saints! Relevant Radio® began broadcasting in response to Pope John Paul II's call for a "New Evangelization".
BONUS Presentation: Dr. Christine Mugridge is a periodic contributor to the Relevant Radio Network and was the correspondent to the Rome to Home feature. She speaks internationally about Pope John Paul II's "New Evangelization" and the future of the Church in America in the third millennium. She has a doctorate in Social Communications from the Pontifical Salesian University in Rome, is a permanent member of the Vatican Press, and has authored several books.


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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Building Better Families Matthew Kelly

This is a must order for any parent raising a family.  The 5 key points of this CD were just pure Genius.  I am going to do my best to read my notes from this talk and start living them.  One statistic alone blew me a way.  The couple that prays together have a 1 in 2000 chance of getting a divorce compared to 1 in 2 of ones that don't.  That one thought is just the tip of the iceberg.  I am sorry this is not a download but is truly worth the order.

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Customer Comments

"Matthew Kelly takes challenges faced by all parents today and provides concrete and sensible solutions." Colleen - Cranberry, PA

 Have you ever asked yourself, "What does God want for my family?" The family is the cornerstone of society, but raising a family in today's culture is more challenging than ever. Matthew Kelly shows how the questions we ask as parents may be more important than the answers. He offers important suggestions and helpful insights, along with colorful reflections from his own experience as one of eight children.
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Becoming The-Best-Version-of-Yourself Matthew Kelly

I know this is a CD order only option but it truly was worth the time and effort it took to receive this disc.  I cannot believe how easily Matthew Kelly describes such complex things in our lives.  The idea of explaining why we are here is to become the best version of ourselves is just plain Spirituality Genius.  I know this one one disc I will play again and again and plan on sharing with many to do the same.  It just seems like the more true something is the simpler it is to understand.  You might even want to order some extras of this one.

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Customer Comments

OUTSTANDING!!! This timely presentation was filled with truth & presented in a way that was easy to identify with and understand. Anne - Youngstown, OH
I found this talk to be life-changing ... and I?m not easily impressed! Fundamental truths are conveyed in a clear, effective manner. Gary - Zuni, NM

Matthew Kelly possesses a powerful ability to combine the ageless tool of storytelling with a profound understanding of today's culture and the common yearnings of the human heart. He shows us how to see the challenges in our everyday lives in a new light. He will help elevate and energize you to pursue the highest values of the human spirit and become the best version of yourself.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Wow I had no idea about what a great Man Blessed Pier was.  A truly great story of a modern day future Saint. It also made me take a second look at our eight Beatitudes that I overlook way to much.  Also, the bonus story on Brian Walch was a big eye opener to me and it make me believe there is hope for all of us after listening to this bonus story.

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Customer Comments

Thank you so much for this talk! This has provided me the encouragement and assurance that a poor sinner like me truly can become a saint. Jeremy - Haubstadt, IN
Wow! I now have a new understanding of the word 'saint' Cecelia - Cincinnati, OH

Born in 1901 in Turin, Italy into a family of wealth and status, Pier Giorgio enjoyed good friends, hiking and skiing, museums and music, and was involved in political action, He found that deep prayer, service to the poor, and a passion for bringing others to Christ led to a life of purpose, peace, and happiness. Pier Giorgio died at the age of 24 on July 4, 1925. He was beatified on May 20, 1990 by Pope John Paul II who referred to him as a "man of the beatitudes".

BONUS: As a teenager, Brian Walch had everything the world tells us we should want. While still immersed in our modern culture, he had a radical deepening of his Catholic Faith which led him to his martyrdom for Christ in 1975. His cause for canonization has been opened.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Battle for the Faith in Mexico. Viva Cristo Rey! Patrick Madrid

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This was gut wrenching listen to what happened in Mexico and what happened to so many Catholics in defense of our faith less than 100 years ago.  I learned things about Freemasonry and much much more about Church History.  It left me with more respect and Love for Mexico and more understanding of our Catholic roots.  Wow came into my mind many times during the talk.

In this vivid and eye-opening presentation, Patrick Madrid explores the history of the systematic persecution of the Catholic Chuch in Mexico in the 1920's. With a thorough review of the historical facts, he recounts how many thousands of Catholics, priests and laity alike, were willing to endure terrible sufferings and martyrdom for their fidelity and love for Christ and their Catholic Faith. This is an important talk for all Catholics to hear and consider.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Anger and Forgiveness Deacon Dr. Bob McDonald

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Deacon Bob did an amazing job with subject.  He described situations and tools to handle anger and how to forgive in ways I have never heard before.  This is one I will press play on probably once a month just to center myself and check myself. If you struggle with Anger or have a loved one that does then I know you will take away some great tools you can use. One quote is "The size of your Ego is the exact distance between you and God."

Customer Comments

This CD has changed my life! It has given me a clearer understanding of anger and how we can overcome it Dan - Oakdale, CA
Powerful wisdom for hearts in exile due to lack of forgiveness. A great spiritual prescription! Deb - Leawood, KS

 Catholic psychotherapist Deacon Dr. Bob McDonald provides a spiritual and psychological prescription for overcoming the sinful anger that poisons the mind of Christ within, causing alienation and division. His practical wisdom shows that only by learning how to forgive can we hope to promote healing and understanding in our relationships and enjoy the blessings of a forgiving heart.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

An Invitation to Consider the Catholic Faith Fr. Francis Peffley

Father Francis gave a great talk.  I had no idea how many different people and other denomintaions have been converting to the Catholic Faith.  Father will give you plenty to ponder and use in discussion with friends and family.  We really need more material like this as on ramps to opening us to learning more about what we do and why we do it.

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Customer Comments

"Fr. Peffley's message can be an outstanding evangelization tool." Tony- Des Plaines, IL

Why should a person who is not Catholic consider entering into the Church? Father Francis Peffley gives five compelling reasons, followed by a simple outline of the steps one would take to begin the process of becoming Catholic. Fr. Peffley is active with parish young adult ministry, retreat work, Catholic apologetics, and evangelization. His hobbies include golf, scuba diving, bowling, and juggling fire torches and machetes.

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Monday, August 15, 2011

The Fourth Cup Dr. Scott Hahn

This is a disc I will remember for a very long time if not forever.  This with was another disc that really opened my eyes and helped me see clearly the details of the last supper and Calvary.  This was a total Wow for me.

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Thank you! This put all the pieces of the puzzle together concerning the Holy Eucharist. The Mass has come alive for me and my family! Joe - Kettering, OH
We now have a deeper understanding of the institution of the Eucharist and its deeply-rooted nature in the Passover. Kent - Mena, AZ

Well-known Catholic theologian Dr. Scott Hahn explains Christ's Paschal Sacrifice on the cross as the fulfillment of the traditional fourth cup used in the celebration of the Jewish Passover meal. He draws a symbolic parallel to the Last Supper and Christ's death on Calvary. Through his scholarly insights and important biblical connections, Mass will come alive for you as never before!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why Join CD of the Month Club? Special Offer! One Disc can Change a Life Forever.

Subscribe Today and receive a FREE download of Dr. Scott Hahn's The Lamb's Supper - $11 value!

Click here to learn more about the different club sizes

My favorite time each month is when my discs show up and I am able to listen to the latest Lighthouse Content and share the others 9 discs with my friends.  I am seen these discs change lives and you can too.

Have you ever wanted to help family members, friends, or coworkers who may be struggling with the issues of life or faith, but just didn't know how to reach them? Do you want to enrich your own faith life? Well, now you can. Lighthouse Catholic Media, NFP., has launched the first-ever evangelization and apologetics Catholic CD Club. Join today and each month you will receive an exciting talk by one of the great Catholic speakers of our time. After listening, pass them on to others.

Click here to learn more about the different club sizes

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Walk Through the New Mass Translation Dr. Edward Sri

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Dr Sri did a great job on explaining how we are changing the Mass and why.  I highly recommend getting this one and play it as many times a possible before November.  The booklet is very hand as well with a sheet included to take to mass.  The talk gave me much to ponder and really helped be focus on some awesome parts of the Mass I had not thought about before.

Dr. Edward Sri, Professor of Scripture and Theology at the Augustine Institute, provides a fascinating explanation of the new English translation of the Mass which will soon be put into practice. This is truly a great opportunity for Catholics to enter more deeply into the biblical and theological richness found in the liturgy, and to better worship God with our whole heart.

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Pastor's Wife's Journey Home Kimberly Hahn

It was really good to hear the other side of the Scott Hahn conversion story.  Kimberly's talk was very well done and just really made Scott's story even better as this one filled in the gaps that were not discussed.  If you loved Scott's conversion story then this is a must listen for you.

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Customer Comments

Excellent for Pre-Cana! It was good to hear the truth about God's design for the family and how it enriches a couple's life together. Louise - Essex Junction, VT
She showed me how to approach women of the Protestant faith. Helaine - Tinker, OK

The daughter of a Protestant minister and wife of Dr. Scott Hahn, Kimberly Hahn candidly shares her difficult journey into the Catholic Faith. She explains how close examination of the Church's teachings on family life and artificial contraception led her to embrace the fullness of the Faith, and why she came to believe that the Roman Catholic Church is the Church founded by Christ.

 Click here to download or order CD

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Guide to Raising (almost) Perfect Kids Gregory Popcak and Lisa Popcak

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This couple does a great job on completely changing some of the ways to think about parenting.  I took some great nuggets from this talk and think most parents will.

Customer Comments

Dr. Ray's keen insights and methods will transform your parenting skills. His truth is refreshing! Christina (Mom of 7) - Neenah, WI
Encouraging and funny? just what parents need to help us shape and mold our children the way God intended! Jenene (Mom of 4) - Lutz, FL

       Why don't kids come with an instruction manual? Actually, they do! In this packed presentation filled with humor and easy-to-apply practical examples, Dr. Gregory & Lisa Popcak and Dr. Ray Guarendi help you discover your own God-given instruction manual for creating an effective and life-changing parenting plan for your children.

   Click Here to Download or Order CD 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Call To Joy Matthew Kelly CD Only

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This was another disc that change my life.  I cannot begin to describe what a truly Dynamic Speaker Matthew Kelly is.   To be honest this disc was the beginning of attending Daily Mass.  This is not available for download but well worth the CD order.

Customer Comments

Awesome! I loved this talk and came away with a fresh inspiration to grow my faith and find joy. This is perfect for all ages. I passed it on to my teenage sons. Cindy - Houston TX
Incredible - this presentation is the best, most practical, straight forward guide to lead us into a deeper prayer life. It will change our lives! It has changed mine! Charlie - Cockeysville, MD
Matthew Kelly is an incredibly gifted young man, and his witness to the Catholic faith is a blessing to the Church. I recently attended one of his retreats and was inspired. I have never heard so many Confessions at a retreat. Monsignor Gilbert Rutz - Vicar General of the Diocese of Covington, KY

Matthew Kelly is one of the most sought-after speakers of our time. When he was a young man, a friend helped him to open his heart to God. Since that time, Matthew has helped millions around the world to embrace the Lord's call to live a deeper spiritual life. Listen as he shares both his remarkable personal story and his uniquely inspiring outlook on faith and the adventure of living the Christian life to the fullest.

Monday, August 1, 2011

15 Things to Do in the Midst of Suffering Jeff Cavins

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I was amazed how funny Jeff Cavins is and entertaining when it comes to such a difficult subject.  You will never look at suffering the same way.  And I mean that in a good way.  This is a must play for all Catholics or people considering becoming Catholic.

Customer Comments

Awesome! It reinforced what I knew and added some wisdom and understanding on suffering. I want to order 5-10 of these CDs to hand out to my family and friends. Mary - Freedom, WI
Very insightful and encouraging! Gave me a new perspective on suffering. I would strongly recommend it to anyone. Juanita - Murrieta, CA
This was the perfect CD for me! I am a relatively new Catholic and have been trying to understand redemptive suffering. Judy - Callander, ON

       Suffering is a mystery we all face at some time in our lives. Whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual, it will test our faith. Internationally known speaker Jeff Cavins shares personal insights he gained through his own physical pain. He shows us how we can join our sufferings with those of Jesus on the cross, bringing renewed meaning to the suffering we experience in our lives.


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