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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

YOUCAT: Youth Catechism Finally. An Official Catechism For Young Adults!

Be one of the first to get a copy

"So I invite you: Study this Catechism! That is my heartfelt desire." Pope Benedict XVI

Ten Ways to Use The YOUCAT

  1. Confirmation Programs

    Add YOUCAT as a resource to prepare candidates and sponsors for Confirmation.
  2. Religious Education

    Add YOUCAT as a curriculum tool to help the students embrace the Faith.
  3. Teachers and Catechists

    Give YOUCAT to all adult catechists to assist in their discussions or teachings. Encourage your high school or middle school principal to provide a classroom copy for every teacher.
  4. Youth Ministers

    Give your youth minister a copy of YOUCAT for use in your parish?s youth ministry programs.
  5. Teen Leaders

    Give YOUCAT to teens who hold leadership positions within the youth group.
  6. Retreat Companion

    At youth retreats, provide a copy of YOUCAT to every participant. The cost of YOUCAT could be included in the registration amount.
  7. Parents

    Make copies of YOUCAT available for purchase at parent meetings.
  8. Graduation Gifts

    Encourage principals to consider YOUCAT as a gift for middle and high school graduates.
  9. RCIA

    Encourage YOUCAT as a supplement for adults with children going through the Rite of Christian Initiation. YOUCAT is a great resource for new families entering the Catholic faith.
  10. Altar Server Appreciation

    Give YOUCAT to your altar servers. A perfect way to say ?thank you? to them for their service all year and a unique way to encourage ongoing participation in the life of the Church.  

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