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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Power of a Mother's Prayers Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea

I listened to this with my three daughters, two 11-year-olds and a 12-year-old. The power of the humility of Father in this talk, coupled with his no-nonsense style, made a big impact on my children and myself. I struggle to find spiritual input for them, as the world tries to pull them from their faith. Talks like this one show them that, as Father put it, "there is no life, apart from God." I have recommended this CD to friends, and I am ordering more!
Parish: All Saints
Diocese: Knoxville

Click Here to Download MP3 or Order CD

Customer Comments

This touching and emotional presentation moved me to tears! I feel very encouraged in battling for the salvation of souls. Consuelo - Wichita, KS
This is such a fascinating illustration of the power of prayer and offering up our suffering, and how profoundly God responds. Tim - Downers Grove, IL

 Fr. Isaac Relyea shares the amazing story of his mother's persistence in prayer for his conversion, Divine protection, supernatural grace, and the Lord's incredible mercy. He heard the call to the priesthood at an early age but was pulled away by the enticements of the world, had a change of heart, and became consumed with sinful pleasures. This story shows a striking similarity to the story of St. Augustine and his mother, St. Monica.

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