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Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to Bring Fallen Away Catholics Back Dr. Scott Hahn

Dr. Hahn has immensely helped me understand my Catholic Faith better.  I feel God is using me to reach out to my fallen-away relatives and friends with whom I have had a few discussions on religion. This CD will help me in many ways.
Parish: All Souls
Diocese: Orlando
State: FL, US

Customer Comments

This strengthened my belief in the Catholic Church and helped me feel proud and confident about defending our Faith through example. Ariel - Whiting, IN
This is an excellent form of catechesis. I rate this a 10 out of 10! Mary - Huntley, IL

       What is evangelization all about? What role does the Church expect ordinary Catholics to play in spreading the Catholic Faith? Dr. Scott Hahn, author and renowned theologian, challenges ?cradle? Catholics to witness to the Faith through everyday life. He presents proven and effective ways to touch those who have fallen away from the Church, even those with the most hardened of hearts.    

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