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Thursday, December 29, 2011

For Love and Marriage Johnnette Benkovic

This was a awesome talk about the conversion of a wife followed by a husband.  Johnnette did a wonderful job giving wonderful and honest insight on both their reversion stories.  I would say this is a must listen for anyone that needs a faith lift or has a friend that is floundering in their faith.

Click here to download MP3 or Order CD

Johnnette Benkovic is a popular Catholic author and talk show host.  She grew up Catholic, but later fell away from practicing her faith.  In 1981, after years of marriage to Anthony, she began a process of conversion which brought her into a deep relationship with Jesus Christ and to a sincere love for her Catholic Faith, but her husband did not share her experience.  The Lord, through the promptings of His Holy Spirit, showed her how she could better love her spose, and she shares the unexpected blessings that followed.

BONUS: Johnnette's interview with her husband Anthony after his conversion is a testimony to the work of grace in their marriage amidst exceedingly difficult circumstances.

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