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Friday, December 30, 2011

Spiritual Renewal 4 CD Bundle

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Desiring a Spiritual Renewal that will last all year? Experience the interior Revolution with Catholic CDs from Lighthouse, tailored to help you meet your goals of 2012.

Cd Bundles include the following presentations:

Matthew Kelly - Becoming the Best Version of Yourself
Matthew Kelly - Our Lives Change When Our Habits Change
Ralph Martin - Pursuing Holiness: Lessons from St. Francis de Sales
Fr. William Casey - Forgotten Virtue: Pathway to Holiness

Thursday, December 29, 2011

For Love and Marriage Johnnette Benkovic

This was a awesome talk about the conversion of a wife followed by a husband.  Johnnette did a wonderful job giving wonderful and honest insight on both their reversion stories.  I would say this is a must listen for anyone that needs a faith lift or has a friend that is floundering in their faith.

Click here to download MP3 or Order CD

Johnnette Benkovic is a popular Catholic author and talk show host.  She grew up Catholic, but later fell away from practicing her faith.  In 1981, after years of marriage to Anthony, she began a process of conversion which brought her into a deep relationship with Jesus Christ and to a sincere love for her Catholic Faith, but her husband did not share her experience.  The Lord, through the promptings of His Holy Spirit, showed her how she could better love her spose, and she shares the unexpected blessings that followed.

BONUS: Johnnette's interview with her husband Anthony after his conversion is a testimony to the work of grace in their marriage amidst exceedingly difficult circumstances.

Friday, December 23, 2011

The Four Marks of the Church - Part 1 Dr. Scott Hahn

I have listened to both parts of this talk several times. Once again, Scott Hahn scores in demonstrating his faith, knowledge, enthusiasm, and intensity. These talks are very valuable in the examination of the Creed. Every Catholic should listen to these!

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Customer Comments

Great CD! This talk continues to confirm my belief in the Roman Catholic Church, its teachings and role in our salvation. Richard - Houston, TX
Dr. Hahn talks to the average person in the pew. He always gives me many things to think about and ways to explain things to others. Donna - Arnold, MO

Each Sunday in the Creed, we profess to believe in ?one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church?. Dr. Scott Hahn, Catholic theologian, explains how these four ?marks? distinguish the Catholic Church from other Christian denominations. He then shows how these four characteristics are rooted in the ancient Christian faith revealed in scripture and in the lived experience of the Catholic Church.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to Bring Fallen Away Catholics Back Dr. Scott Hahn

Dr. Hahn has immensely helped me understand my Catholic Faith better.  I feel God is using me to reach out to my fallen-away relatives and friends with whom I have had a few discussions on religion. This CD will help me in many ways.
Parish: All Souls
Diocese: Orlando
State: FL, US

Customer Comments

This strengthened my belief in the Catholic Church and helped me feel proud and confident about defending our Faith through example. Ariel - Whiting, IN
This is an excellent form of catechesis. I rate this a 10 out of 10! Mary - Huntley, IL

       What is evangelization all about? What role does the Church expect ordinary Catholics to play in spreading the Catholic Faith? Dr. Scott Hahn, author and renowned theologian, challenges ?cradle? Catholics to witness to the Faith through everyday life. He presents proven and effective ways to touch those who have fallen away from the Church, even those with the most hardened of hearts.    

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Power of a Mother's Prayers Fr. Isaac Mary Relyea

I listened to this with my three daughters, two 11-year-olds and a 12-year-old. The power of the humility of Father in this talk, coupled with his no-nonsense style, made a big impact on my children and myself. I struggle to find spiritual input for them, as the world tries to pull them from their faith. Talks like this one show them that, as Father put it, "there is no life, apart from God." I have recommended this CD to friends, and I am ordering more!
Parish: All Saints
Diocese: Knoxville

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Customer Comments

This touching and emotional presentation moved me to tears! I feel very encouraged in battling for the salvation of souls. Consuelo - Wichita, KS
This is such a fascinating illustration of the power of prayer and offering up our suffering, and how profoundly God responds. Tim - Downers Grove, IL

 Fr. Isaac Relyea shares the amazing story of his mother's persistence in prayer for his conversion, Divine protection, supernatural grace, and the Lord's incredible mercy. He heard the call to the priesthood at an early age but was pulled away by the enticements of the world, had a change of heart, and became consumed with sinful pleasures. This story shows a striking similarity to the story of St. Augustine and his mother, St. Monica.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The True Meaning of Christmas Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

I enjoyed this very much because he had some new insights into Christmas that I had not thought about before. It helped me to focus more on Christmas as the celebration of the birth of Christ and not on what I have to do to prepare for the secular Christmas. It is something I will definitely listen to over and over.
Diocese: Portland OR
State: OR, US

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Customer Comments

This is an absolute MUST for Advent every year! Archbishop Sheen has a beautiful way of explaining the miracle of Christmas! Phyllis - Bangor, ME
I absolutely love the image of the two ships and the lock! It's such a beautiful image to illustrate the importance of Mary's role. Jennifer - Charleston, SC

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen's books, tapes, homilies, retreats, and television series have inspired countless souls all over the world. This digitally-mastered presentation combines classic recordings of his timeless reflections on the meaning of the Incarnation of Jesus, mixed with Gregorian Chant and seasonal music. It is sure to become a family favorite!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Give The Gift of Faith

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Cd of the Month Club Gift Subscriptions
- Only $5 per month
- 4, 6 or 12 month subscriptions available
- Every CD is brand new to Lighthouse

Gift subscriptions can be input through December 12th- a free Christmas CD will be sent!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas 5-CD Bundle

Click Here for More Details

Lighthouse Catholic Media

This is a fantastic time to learn and share more about our incredible Catholic Faith, and what better way than to do it by listening to incredible Catholic CDs.
This wonderful Assorted CD Bundle includes the following 5 presentations:
·       Prepare The Way of the King - Dr. Scott Hahn
·       The True Meaning of Christmas - Archbishop Fulton Sheen
·       A Call to Joy – Matthew Kelly
·       Searching The Scriptures – Steve Ray
·       Glory To The New Born King  – Traditional Christmas Carols and Hymns by Lindsey Todd
That’s 5 Inspiring CDs for only $15.00, plus only $3.00* for shipping and handling! A $22.00 value!
Christmas is not far away – This is a great gift idea for friends, family, teachers, or even your parish priest! Also a great stocking stuffer. Enclose a CD with your Christmas cards!


Product Categories:

Advent - Christmas


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    Customer Comments

    "These CDs shed incredible light on the Kingship of Christ and how to gain a much greater appreciation of Advent." Sycamore, IL
    "I feel my faith is growing deeper and stronger because of these CDs!" Grimes, GA
    "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life." John 3:16