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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Finding the Fullness of Faith Stephen Ray

Every Catholic should have a copy of this CD! I have listened to this over and over again because it is packed with helpful information to talk with those who do not understand the faith. It gave me deeper understanding in many areas that are hard for non-Catholics to understand. Thanks for offering this CD!
Parish: St Catherine Laboure
Diocese: San Diego
State: CA, US

Click here to Download MP3 or Order CD

Customer Comments

Fantastic!! This is absolutely the one CD everyone should start with ... it is persuasive, informative, and highly valuable in educating Catholics and non-Catholics about Catholicism! I will order many and give them to family and friends. Susan - Land O Lakes, FL
This put into words everything I want to tell my friends about my faith but cannot remember when the time is right. Thank you! Jane - Bourbonnais, IL
Steve Ray's conversion story is powerful ? a wake-up call to "cradle Catholics" to cherish the faith we so often take for granted. Marianne - Youngstown, OH
I am a Protestant about to begin RCIA. This helped to clarify a number of questions and to affirm my decision to explore the Catholic Faith. Sharon - Chicago, IL

 Stephen Ray was raised in a devout, loving, Baptist family. Since his conversion to the Catholic Faith, he has become an international speaker and is the author of three best-selling books, Crossing the Tiber, Upon this Rock, and St. John's Gospel. He shares with us his amazing conversion to Catholicism and explains why he is convinced this is the Church founded by Christ over 2000 years ago.

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