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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Gangland to Promised Land

He was a serious "face" in London's East End. His Jackets were tailored to hold his machete and knuckledusters. His drug deals made him wealthy. Then something extraordinary happened...
John Pridmore spoke at the 2008 World Youth Day and on EWTN about what Christ has done in his life. His powerful story has inspired hundreds of thousands to grow in their faith.

Customer Comments

An exhilarating journey to God!Annie - Cape Coral, FL
God doesn't need a resume.' He's calling everyone to His service! There is always hope even with the worst sinner. Listen to this story of one person who made an about-face to the Lord!Julie - Potomac Falls, VA
I heartily support the work of John Pridmore... reaching out to young people.Cormac Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor - Archbishop Emeritus of Westminster, England
I was the prodigal son when I first found the Lord, some 30 years ago. I also serve in the prison ministry. This CD is powerful, almost like it was written for me.Kurt - Birmingham, AL
When John says 'Let's all go to confession, as this is medication to the soul,' he reminds me of this quote from the Bible: 'He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy' (Proverbs 28:13).Moses - Malawi, Africa
OUTSTANDING!!! I had read John's book, but I was still unprepared for the power of this amazing talk. Prepare to be touched and amazed!Cameron - Western Australia

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