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Friday, March 2, 2012

FREE Military Download of the Month Club

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Military Download of the Month Club

from Lighthouse Catholic Media

Presentations from the best Catholic speakers in the world for all military personnel, their spouses and children, and veterans!

How It Works

  • A nine-month FREE SUBSCRIPTION is available to all military personnel, their families, and veterans who subscribe.
  • A download of a new talk is provided every month for nine months.
  • Simply fill out the registration form below.
Archbishop Timothy Paul Andrew Broglio
"It would be most beneficial if Lighthouse Catholic Media CDs were made available to all men and women in the U.S. Military."
Most Reverend Timothy Broglio,Archbishop for the USA Military Services
"Personally I have been thrilled with these CDs before while in Iraq in 2007–2008." U.S. Navy Command Chaplain CDR Miles J. Barrett CHC
"As an ex-serviceman, I can relate to Fr. Goldmann's story. 'The Shadow of His Wings' is truly awe inspiring." Jim - Wichita, KS
First Nine Free Downloads

First Nine Free Downloads

First Month

No Turning Back

Fr. Donald Calloway
A young rebel shares the store of how he was lead back to the Catholic Faith and to the priesthood.

Fourth Month

Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Lively Virtues

Fr. Robert Barron
An explanation of how sin can be counteracted by the cultivation of virtue.

Seventh Month

To Hell and Back

Anne Marie Schmidt
The astounding trials of a young woman during the Nazi persecution at Auschwitz and on the Russian front.

Second Month

The Shadow of His Wings

Fr. Gereon Goldmann
The thrilling adventure of a German seminarian who was drafted into Hilter's army.

Fifth Month

The Healing Power of Confession

Dr. Scott Hahn
The historical and biblical origins of the most misunderstood of the Sacraments.

Eighth Month

Finding the Fullness of Faith

Stephen Ray
An international speaker and former Baptist shares his amazing conversion to Catholicism.

Third Month

The Mass Explained

Fr. Larry Richards
Powerful insights into the history, spiritually, and biblical foundations of the Mass.

Sixth Month

Becoming The-Best-Version-of-Yourself

Matthew Kelly
This powerful talk shows us how to see our life's challenges in a new light.

Ninth Month

The Virgin Mary Revealed Through Scripture

Dr. Scott Hahn
The biblical and historical basis for the Church's teachings on the Virgin Mary.

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