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Monday, February 20, 2012

New from Lighthouse. Finally an Easy Way to get Lighthouse on our Smart Phones. Download of the Month.

Brothers and Sisters,

Lighthouse just announced a way to get monthly content in the way most of you want it.  MP3s and its a couple bucks less than order CDs.  I became a rep a year or two ago because how this content changed my life and continues to mold me.  I hope you consider making this commitment too.  Nice way to kick of lent as well.


Why Join the MP3 Download of the Month Club?

Have you ever wanted to help family members, friends, or coworkers who may be struggling with the issues of life or faith, but just didn't know how to reach them? Do you want to enrich your own faith life? Well, now you can. Lighthouse Catholic Media, NFP., has launched the first-ever evangelization and apologetics Catholic MP3 Club. Join today and each month you will receive an exciting talk by one of the great Catholic speakers of our time. After listening, pass them on to others.
This MP3 club features the same talks each month as our CD of the Month Club, now delivered to you in a digital format! No more waiting for CDs to arrive in the mail, you can download your new talk the moment it's released each month. Convenient for you, as well as the environment.   

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