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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Change The World In 60 Seconds Tom Peterson

This CD was a great reminder of how we can change the world in 60 seconds.  We all struggle with friends and family members that have strayed away from the Church.  This CD gives some great tips and reminds us on what we are called to do.  You never know how one disc or sending one link to a friend can change everything.

Click here to order CD or download MP3

Tom Peterson was an award-winning national advertising executive, but lukewarm in his faith. Then, in 1997, he attended a Catholic men’s retreat. While praying before the Blessed Sacrament, he experienced a profound spiritual transformation and a clear vocational calling. God was inviting him to use his talents in television media for a greater good... to evangelize the world. Soon after, Peterson founded and, two educational non-profit media apostolates that promote evangelization and the sanctity of life, and are helping hundreds of thousands of souls come home to the Catholic Church. In this motivating presentation, Tom shares how just 60 seconds can truly change the world, often one life at a time.

Click here to order CD or download MP3

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