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Friday, September 30, 2011

Church Beliefs Jesse Romero

I just listened to Church Beliefs by Jesse Romero and it was a very powerful Apologetic Talk.  What we believe and why is packed on this talk.  I also didn't know we have Three Creeds.  I have so much to learn.

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Customer Comments

A very inspiring CD! Jesse sets a wonderful example of how and why we all should be excited about Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Larry - Rochester Hills, MI
I want to give this CD to all of my non-Catholic friends and my family! Brandy - Arlington, TX        

Retired L.A. Deputy Sheriff, and a former Police Olympic boxing champion and USA kickboxing champion Jesse Romero presents core Catholic beliefs and explains how the power and truth of the Catholic Faith lie within God's Word rooted in Sacred Scripture and the Church's creeds and Magisterial Teachings. His powerful and energetic style will strengthen your faith and love for the truth and the gift of the Catholic Church and equip you to share it with others.

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Faith Dr. Peter Kreeft

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How do we understand our Catholic Faith? This presentation explains the relationship between faith and reason, faith and authority, and faith and the Church. Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Holy Scripture, this is taken from the Luke E. Hart Series ? Basic Elements of the Catholic Faith and provided by the Knights of Columbus Catholic Information Service.

Beautifully presented with great word pictures describing what we believe as Catholics and why. A tremendous education!! Judy - Essex, VT
Serious questions can be answered based on the facts presented here with proof text from the Bible and the Catechism. Mark - La Crosse, WI

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Footprints of God: Over Holy Ground, The story of Salvation. Stephen Ray

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For a limited time Lighthouse Catholic Media is offering a 45% discount on Stephen Ray's incredible video documentary on DVD, Footprints of God: Over Holy Ground and his complete conversion story "Finding the Fullness of Faith" on audio CD.

The DVD presentation was filmed in the Holy Land, and explores actual sites, relevant scripture and offers us a rich vision of the salvation story from Abraham to Augustine.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Charity in Truth Pope Benedict XVI

This is a wonderful audio that is really intense and you should plan on breaking this up into a couple settings and perhaps takes some notes because its very inspiring.

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Charity in Truth is Benedict's encyclical on "social justice".  Rather than starting with "justice" and "rights" or with the various social issues, the Pope first lays a solid foundation for understanding by exploring the crucial ideas of "charity" and "truth".  "Charity is at the heart of the Church's social doctrine", he writes.  "Without truth, without trust and love for what is true, there is no social conscience and responsibility, and social action ends up serving private interests and the logic of power."

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Change The World In 60 Seconds Tom Peterson

This CD was a great reminder of how we can change the world in 60 seconds.  We all struggle with friends and family members that have strayed away from the Church.  This CD gives some great tips and reminds us on what we are called to do.  You never know how one disc or sending one link to a friend can change everything.

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Tom Peterson was an award-winning national advertising executive, but lukewarm in his faith. Then, in 1997, he attended a Catholic men’s retreat. While praying before the Blessed Sacrament, he experienced a profound spiritual transformation and a clear vocational calling. God was inviting him to use his talents in television media for a greater good... to evangelize the world. Soon after, Peterson founded and, two educational non-profit media apostolates that promote evangelization and the sanctity of life, and are helping hundreds of thousands of souls come home to the Catholic Church. In this motivating presentation, Tom shares how just 60 seconds can truly change the world, often one life at a time.

Click here to order CD or download MP3