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Monday, August 31, 2015

Finding True Happiness - Book ARCHBISHOP FULTON J. SHEEN
Finding True Happiness - Book

Are you perfectly happy, or are you still looking for perfect happiness? Most people are still actively searching for true and lasting happiness, but are looking in the wrong places. It's easy to be misled into believing that happiness is found in money, rank, or renown. While these things are not inherently bad, and can in fact be used to do much good, they will, in the final analysis, not bring a happiness that endures.

Once we realize that nothing less than a complete union with God will satisfy our souls, we will not let transitory things distract or disappoint us. This is because then, according to Fulton Sheen, you put no more hope in things than they can bear. You cease looking for first-rate joys where there are only tenth-rate pleasures.