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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Evangelizing Catholics


In this informative and dynamic presentation, Dr. Scott Hahn discusses why the New Evangelization is the greatest priority of the Church at this time, and how we are all called to share our faith. He shows how the Eucharist relates to explaining Jesus' death and resurrection, and how Blessed John Paul II's called for a New Evangelization must be based on the Eucharist.

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Thursday, July 9, 2015 Defeating Satan's Deadly Weapon Against Men Defeating Satan's Deadly Weapon Against Men: Pornography has become pervasive in our culture - a true plague, infecting nearly every corner of our society...

Defeating Satan's Deadly Weapon Against Men

Pornography has become pervasive in our culture - a true plague, infecting nearly every corner of our society. Its disastrous effects are seen in sexual addiction, ruined marriages, and shattered lives. Jeff Cavins notes that many men struggle with pornography. With great insight, he shows how we can fight pornography's devastating influence and chart a course to true Christian purity. 

This talk is the same as "The Pornography Plague and the Path to Christian Purity" - LHS8_7