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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Why Go To Mass: The Blood of the New Covenant Bishop Alexander Sample

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Customer Comments

This is a powerful talk which draws from scripture and the Second Vatican Council to explain the true meaning of the Mass. Pete - Pewaukee, WI
I was able to share what I learned with our RCIA Program and read the Vatican II paragraphs to them. Theresa - Oklahoma City, OK

If you ever feel bored at Mass or think that you don?t get much out of it, this talk is for you. Most Reverend Alexander K. Sample, Bishop of Marquette, provides theological and practical reasons why we need to come to a deeper understanding of the nature of the Mass. By understanding the Mass as a sacrifice and a sacred banquet, we can tap into the transforming power offered whenever we worship.

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Saints for Sinners - The Lives of St. Augustine and St. Margaret Fr. Alban Goodier

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Customer Comments

It's encouraging to see how powerfully the grace of God can change a person's life! It gives me hope in my own quest for sanctity. Ann - Cheyenne, WY
These Saints are incredible reminders of how we can live out the gospel to others in our lives. Marc - Woodstock, IL

Learning about the lives of the Saints is a great way to deepen our love of God and recommit us to His service. We are reminded of how the Lord works in the lives of ordinary people, helping us to conquer sin. In this excerpt from the book, Saints for Sinners, the incredible lives of these Saints testify to the truth of God's transforming love in those who are willing to surrender their lives to Him. These are the stories of St. Augustine of Hippo and St. Margaret of Cortona.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

An Invitation to Consider the Catholic Faith Fr. Francis Peffley

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Customer Comments

"Fr. Peffley's message can be an outstanding evangelization tool." Tony- Des Plaines, IL

Why should a person who is not Catholic consider entering into the Church? Father Francis Peffley gives five compelling reasons, followed by a simple outline of the steps one would take to begin the process of becoming Catholic. Fr. Peffley is active with parish young adult ministry, retreat work, Catholic apologetics, and evangelization. His hobbies include golf, scuba diving, bowling, and juggling fire torches and machetes.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dating and Courtship Kimberly Hahn

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Customer Comments
 This CD was so beneficial! Learning how to live out my Faith within a relationship is very important to me.
Nichole - Federal Way, WA
 ...uses humor, stories, scripture and her own experiences to show true Christian dating. I will share with my friends. Thank you!
April - Niagara Falls, NY

What elements are essential during dating and courtship to discern whether you are following God's will? In this inspiring presentation, Kimberly Hahn, wife of Dr. Scott Hahn, shares rich insight gained from many years of bible study and her personal experiences as a Christian woman, wife, and mother. She provides practical advice and encourages setting high standards according to God's ways.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Shadow of His Wings Matthew Arnold

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Fr. Goldmann was drafted into Hitler's army while he was still a seminarian, and later assigned to the dreaded S.S. Throughout World War II he remained faithful to his Catholic convictions, proclaiming the faith to his Nazi countrymen.  From his wartime ordination to his construction of a prison chapel, this thrilling true-life adventure is an inspirational testimony to God's providence and the power of prayer.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Overcoming the New Age Movement Matthew Arnold

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Customer Comments

Matthew describes the dangers of dabbling in new age practices such as tarot cards and illustrates the evil origins of these practices. Larry - Cincinnati, OH
This made me aware of how broad and alive the new age movement is in our culture and helped me gain a better understanding of it. Sheila - Lincoln, NE

Listen as a former new ager and Catholic convert Matthew Arnold shares his incredible journey from darkness into the light. Learn how this magic consultant and performer in the entertainment industry came to the truth that set him free from the powers of the occult as he talks about new age practices and their incompatibility with the timeless teachings of Christ and His Church.

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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Feminism Misunderstood: One Woman's Journey to Peace Jane Brennan

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Customer Comments
 Jane's story is a powerful and compelling testament to how Christ can take anyone out of despair and move them to a place of dignity and hope.
Carol - Lemmon, SD
 Jane Brennan's story is one of reconciliation, healing and hope. Jane is living the witness that Pope John Paul II had hoped post-abortive women would embrace. In Evangelium Vitae, he addressed women who've had abortions with these words: 'you can be among the most eloquent defenders of everyone's right to life...' Jane is seeking to do exactly that. Her desire to tell her story reveals her love for human life, and particularly, her love for women.
Archbishop Charles Chaput - Archdiocese of Denver

Jane Brennan, a former member of NOW and former Planned Parenthood volunteer, shares her heart-wrenching story of abortion and subsequent years of depression to her final conversion to the Catholic Church. With a Master's Degree in Counseling, she devotes her private practice to helping post-abortive women find a safe place to reconcile unresolved grief and loss.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

No Turning Back Fr. Donald Calloway M.I.C.

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Customer Comments
 Awesome!! Every aspect was awesome, riveting at times, especially when he described the Holy Eucharist!
Sandra - Wendel, IN
 This story is gripping!! Fantastic and very appealing to males as they can relate to it. Our whole family enjoyed it!
Amy - Springfield, IL
 I kept this CD in my car's CD player for months. It convinced me to go to Medjugorje ? which changed my life forever!
Teresa - Bowling Green, OH

How is a diehard agnostic transformed into a fervent apostle of Christ? Fr. Donald Calloway, a former drug dealer, will have you on the edge of your seat as he candidly shares the amazing story of how he was unexpectedly led into the Catholic Faith and to the priesthood by God's grace and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. His conversion can be compared to that of St. Augustine. Formerly titled: Former Drug Dealer to Catholic Priesthood

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why Join CD of the Month Club? Special Offer!

Subscribe Today and receive a FREE download of Dr. Scott Hahn's The Lamb's Supper - $11 value!

Click here for more information and to choose the Offer Just right for you!

Have you ever wanted to help family members, friends, or coworkers who may be struggling with the issues of life or faith, but just didn't know how to reach them? Do you want to enrich your own faith life? Well, now you can. Lighthouse Catholic Media, NFP., has launched the first-ever evangelization and apologetics Catholic CD Club. Join today and each month you will receive an exciting talk by one of the great Catholic speakers of our time. After listening, pass them on to others.

Click here for more information and to choose the Offer Just right for you!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Change The World In 60 Seconds Tom Peterson

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Tom Peterson was an award-winning national advertising executive, but lukewarm in his faith. Then, in 1997, he attended a Catholic men’s retreat. While praying before the Blessed Sacrament, he experienced a profound spiritual transformation and a clear vocational calling. God was inviting him to use his talents in television media for a greater good... to evangelize the world. Soon after, Peterson founded and, two educational non-profit media apostolates that promote evangelization and the sanctity of life, and are helping hundreds of thousands of souls come home to the Catholic Church. In this motivating presentation, Tom shares how just 60 seconds can truly change the world, often one life at a time.

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Monday, July 18, 2011

Battle for the Faith in Mexico. Viva Cristo Rey! Patrick Madrid

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In this vivid and eye-opening presentation, Patrick Madrid explores the history of the systematic persecution of the Catholic Chuch in Mexico in the 1920's. With a thorough review of the historical facts, he recounts how many thousands of Catholics, priests and laity alike, were willing to endure terrible sufferings and martyrdom for their fidelity and love for Christ and their Catholic Faith. This is an important talk for all Catholics to hear and consider.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

No Escape - From Prison to the Catholic Faith Russell Ford

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Customer Comments
 I was stunned! This is a great talk and a wonderful story about how God's loving grace reaches out to all. Many blessings!
Marc - Lumberton, TX
 A great story of faith, hope, and charity! This had a profound impact on my heart and has me asking, what can I do for the imprisoned?
Jackie - Calgary, AB

This talk was recorded live in prison where Russell Ford is serving a 25-year sentence. In 1989 at the age of 31, he was received into the Catholic Church and has since shared his faith with thousands of fellow convicts. Mr. Ford is co-founder of the non-profit First Century Christian Ministries, which is dedicated to evangelizing prisoners. He is scheduled to be released from prison in 2012.

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Download of The Day The Gift of Sexuality Fr. Thomas Loya

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Customer Comments

This is excellent! This CD is a great explanation about Theology of the Body. With teachers like Fr. Loya, we can be very encouraged. David - Plainfield, IL
This helped me to understand the scriptural reasons for Catholic doctrine and strengthened my commitment to Church teachings. Nicole - Doylestown, PA

       Fr. Thomas Loya presents a Catholic vision of human sexuality as he offers an overview of Pope John Paul II's revolutionary Theology of the Body. This profound yet practical talk reveals the true meaning of our bodies in relationship to God and to one another so that we can have a better understanding of sexuality and pure love. This is a message that is badly needed in our society today.


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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Download of The Day Seven Reasons to be Catholic Dr. Peter Kreeft

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Customer Comments

This CD has re-started the spark I had lost! I am looking forward to listening to the other CDs I purchased! Bob - Fremont, OH
This was amazing! Anyone who has questions about converting to Catholicism should listen to it ... so encouraging and enlightening! Mandi - Lewiston, ME

 Dr. Peter Kreeft is a world-renowned philosopher and best-selling author of over 35 books. Drawing from the treasured wisdom of such great spiritual thinkers as St. John of the Cross, Thomas Aquinas, C. S. Lewis, and Cardinal Newman, he helps us to understand why truth trumps everything! Listen as he clearly presents seven indisputable reasons why every person should indeed be Catholic.

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Monday, July 4, 2011

Download of The Day New Release Gangland to Promised Land - John Pridmore

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He was a serious “face” in London’s East End. His jackets were tailored to hold his machete and knuckledusters. His drug deals made him wealthy. Then something extraordinary happened... John Pridmore spoke at the 2008 World Youth Day and on EWTN about what Christ has done in his life. His powerful story has inspired hundreds of thousands to grow in their faith.
 “RIVETING! I couldn’t turn off the CD!”  Vicki - Stamford, CT
 “OUTSTANDING!!!  I had read John’s book, but I was still unprepared for the power of this amazing talk. Prepare to be touched and amazed!”  Cameron - Western Australia
“WOW!  Such an inspiring story from someone who had a complete turnaround—possible only with the Lord.”  Peggy - Finksburg, MD

  1. Click here to purchase download or CD

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Download of The Day Counting Your Blessings Dr. Scott Hahn

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Customer Comments

I love it!! This CD is so true! God has given us everything; we own nothing! Sharing the message of this CD is so important. Thank you! Jan - Beloit, WI
I found this to be a blueprint for prioritizing my daily life and relationships. Kelly - Gainesville, FL

Dr. Scott Hahn, a former Protestant minister, was a militant opponent of the Catholic Church and is now a renowned Catholic theologian. He explains the essential teachings from God's Word regarding the theology and practice of Catholic family life based on the image of the Blessed Trinity, demonstrating that God's Word is all that is needed to create a loving family life.    

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Download of The Day Which Came First - the Bible or the Church? Matthew Arnold

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Customer Comments
I wish I had this CD 40 years ago! I think every Catholic family and school should have a copy!
Patricia - Dunnellon, FL
 Lord! It helped me realize so much about the way I am seen by my children and the things I need to change. Thank you!
Diana - Austin, TX
 The information is beyond anything I?ve known! It has been the source of continuing discussions that deepen our faith.
Debby - Big Bear Lake, CA
 The understanding I have gained from this has greatly benefitted my ministry in RCIA.
Daniel - Tulsa, OK

Have you ever been asked where Catholic beliefs can be found in the bible? Here is a crash course in history proving that the bible is a Catholic book. Matthew Arnold offers convincing evidence showing that the Church has faithfully proclaimed and preserved the fullness of God's Word down through the centuries. This will provide all the facts you need.